Thursday, January 27, 2011

Life with a Gun

So, last night, Allan and I were watching TV. The kids were in bed. It was around 9pm. Allan got up and opened the door to the garage. He stood there for a few seconds and then turned to me and in a tone that you don't question said, "Go with the kids."
I got up (adrenaline spiking), and stood in the hallway between my kids bedrooms. I wasn't about to wake them up for a  false alarm. Allan went and got the 9mm Glock the he bought me for our 3rd anniversary. (Not the anniversary gift I was expecting. The next day, he sent 4 dozen roses to my office.) But I digress....He got the glock, made sure it was loaded, turned all the house lights out and went into the garage. After several minutes of standing in the hallway, biting my nails and hearing footsteps running around the house, i decided to go get some shoes on, in case I had to run or something.
I checked in on Kaleb and he was still fast asleep. I didn't check in on Lilly because her door squeaks too loudly)
After about 5 minutes, Allan came back in and gave me the all clear signal. (He unchambered the round)
He told me that when he had looked into the garage he saw a shadow pass the window.
So of course, the reasonable thing to do is grab the glock and go run after who ever it was that dared trespass.
Before we retired for the night, Allan told me that if the house alarm goes off in the middle of the night, I am to grab Lillian and go into Kaleb's room. And to stay there until he came and got me. I, the dutiful wife, said okay.
But then later, I was thinking about it. (Because of course, I couldn't sleep after all that excitement.) If the alarm goes off, I would of course, go and get my kids. Allan would probably turn off the alarm, and get the glock and run around the house again. Then the cops would show up because of the house alarm and Allan would have to explain the camo gear and black face paint. My goodness. It is nice to know that my husband can keep us safe. But sometimes...
I finally fell asleep and dreamed about the house alarm going off and waking my children. I was so mad at whoever it was that tripped the alarm, how dare they wake my babies. I wil never get those hours of sleep back.
At least I know how to shoot a Glock. My glock. Happy Anniversary to me.

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