Call Me Joanne: An Introduction

So, here I go, creating a blog that I am convinced with help save the world. Or at least make my mom laugh. Call me....Joanne. That is my name afterall. I am a wife and mother of two very gifted children. Feel free to check out their pics at
That's right, my last name is Vasquez. I do not speak spanish. But I have been able to use my last name to get free things and discounts on bills. Afterall, we latinos have to stick together.
My husband is Mexican American. He was born here but his parents are from Mexico. We have been married for 6 years. Wow. Nobody told me that being married would be so hard. Having kids.....piece of cake. Taking care of a husband....Whew!
I love my husband and he loves me more than I know.
But this blog is about me and my every day life. I am a stay-at-home mom and spend my days chasing after my children and trying to be a good home maker. I was created to be a mother. I feel at peace with my life. BUT, there is another side of me that I don't share with most people.
I have a HUGE imagination. I once heard that most people spend 50% of their lives day dreaming. Hmmm. I bet we could solve world hunger and save millions if we would stop day dreaming.
Anyways, whenever I have a moment to myself, I am usually day dreaming. The usual stuff that I am sure most people dream about: What would I do if I won the lottery....what if I could win the gold medal in bobsledding...what if I had the perfect body and could go back to my highschool reunion....(This one doesn't really work for me, since I was homeschooled, so i think about my college reunion.) But my day dreams tend toward the ridiculous sometimes. What if a horrific plague of zombies broke out and I had to get my children to safety. What route would I take? Could I last if I holed up in my house? Of course, this could be because i watch way to many movies. I love movies and books. At one point in my life I wanted to be an actress. (I still want to be one, I am just taking a break from that to raise my children, yet still hoping that I will be discovered as I am grocery shopping.)
When I was in high school, I wanted to be a pro basketball player and join the WNBA. I just didn't know how to play basketball. Although I had a pretty good jump shot from the free throw line. Then I wanted to be a professional hockey player. But I broke my knee when I was 16 and saw that dream go down the tubes. I had never played hockey before but when the docotr told me I would have arthritis in my knee when i got older, i cried knowing I would never have a career on the ice. Then I wanted to be a fighter pilot but I have worn glasses or contacts my whole life and my dad said that they don't make prescription helmets for pilots. So the only obvious choice was acting. I could do all those things without ever having to actually know how to do all those things. I did go to college and earn a Bachelors in Theatre. I just got sucked into the whole, making money to pay your bills scam that life tries to throw at you after you graduate. Then I got married and had kids.
I think my life experiences have turned me into a better actress. Like, if there was a movie about a woman who has two zany kids and a husband who is lovable yet exasperating...I could totally nail that role.
So, back to the point of this blog. I wanted to share my thoughts, dreams, crazy notions with the world. Perhaps someone somewhere will read this and get some joy from it or learn something new about their life.
I can't promise to write everyday, but at least every other third day.
Thanks for reading.