Sunday, January 16, 2011

Floods and Earthquakes

You would think it was the end of the world. I have stocked up on dry food and water. I have memorized the fastest escape routes out of my town. And I have all but practiced fire drills with my kids.

The other day I was resting while the kids were taking naps. I was eating ice cream at 10:30 in the morning. I like to treat myself when i can. (By they way, my letter U key doesn't always work and I get tired of capitalizing the I's in my blogs. I am thinking of easing up on the whole correct grammar and spelling thing anyways.) So back to the day I was lounging around eating junk food: I felt an earthquake while I was sitting there. It wasn't strong but strong enough to make me put down my ice cream and think abot waking the kids so we could run outside. Then it was over. I checked the website that tracks CA earthquakes in real time. It said that the quake was 15 miles away from Julian and only about 1.6 on the richter scale. Still, the quake map showed that the same area was haivng earthquakes for the past few days.
So at this point, I am goign over in my mind how to get out of the house if another stronger quake comes. Should I grab Lilly first and then Kaleb, or vice versa. Do I grab the diapers case it could be a long time before i get back in my house and no one wants a stinky diaper on their hands in the midst of the world falling apart.
I decided to calm down instead and call my mom. She reminded me that small quakes are good to relieve built up pressure. I should know this, I got a D in Earth Science afterall.
I did, however, put my shoes on, in case I had to run or something.
I soon forgot about the earthquakes only to be made aware that the news was talking about the Pineapple Express that is happening right now in the weather. I am not exactly sure what that means, but apparantly it hasn't happened like this for about 100 years and we coudl possibly see rain for 45 days straight. (Why didn't I invest in those kayaks when I had the chance?)
So for the last few days my day dreams have consisted of trying to figure out ways to do laundry without the washing machine. And how to cook dinners in our fireplace. Just in case. You can never be too prepared. That is my motto.
Now, I know what my mom is thinking right now. "Honey, just trust in the Lord." And that is exactly what my in-laws told me. "The weather is in God's hands and if He wants to make it rain, He will take care of us." I know this to be true. And I shouldn't waste my time worrying and daydreaming about escape routes. I mean, look outside, the sky is blue, the weather is nice and warm, and look, there are people walking around. Or are they shuffling in a dazed way...sort of like....zombies.  Nope, they are just working in their yards. Whew.
(Hey, it pays to be observant.)
For now, I think I will trust in God. Please scroll down to check out what God has taught me today.

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