Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bad Dreams?

It has been awhile. I feel like the outside world just rushes right on by me. My son has been dealing with some sleep anxiety. He can't go to sleep unless myself or my husband is in the room with him. This goes for naps and night time. So it can't be the dark. Perhaps he had a bad dream at the start of all this but to keep having a bad dream night after night? At first, I was really stressing about it because I didn't want him to get used to having us in there in order to fall asleep. He needs to do that on his own. But, then I realized that he needs us right now just to provide some comfort. He needs attention. So, if that means I need to stay in his room for an extra 10-15 minutes at night until he falls asleep soundly, that is fine.
It is an amazing feeling to know that your presence brings your child comfort. I remember that feeling when I was a child.